Saturday, February 21, 2015

"I Traded. . ."

I traded the world when I had you. I traded a full nights rest for ones filled with waking up knowing that I was needed- from feeding you to soothing your bad dreams away. I traded sitting alone at meals for a little chubby face always grabbing at my food- a 2 and a half foot dinner date. I traded shopping sprees for quick runs to Target for diapers and onesies. I traded silence for crying, cooing, talkative gibberish, laughter, and little baby snores. I traded a lonely bed for one with you snuggled to my side. I traded nice long showers, naps, "me time" to give you a bath, pat you to sleep and let your adventurous spirit run wild. I traded reading and getting lost in my interest of books to re-discovering the simplicity of a story time book. I traded loving going to work for dreading and cringing to the thought of having to leave you behind. I traded free time for time spent trying to help you learn, grow, and make you happy. I traded caring about the hottest and latest fads to when the price of baby wipes go on sale. I traded my pre-baby body for stretch marks, breast fed breasts, dark circles, a tired achy body, and "mommy brain". I traded going out with friends at a drop of a hat, for one sitting at home with just you in my lap. I traded my old dreams and desires for ones that involved you. I traded thinking I knew it all for being content with not knowing it all. I traded a comfortable life for one that constantly pushed me out of my comfort zone. I traded my energy for the days cherished even though I am exhausted at the end of a long day taking care of you. I traded my insanity for a heart that didn’t know it could love more but did because of you. I traded my view of love for the very essence of it. I traded my priorities for a purpose. I traded a piece of my heart. . . And guess what? I didn’t receive anything back. Being away from you reminds me every time of it. You are that piece of me and always will be. When I said I traded the world for you, I take that back. In the midst of it all, you became my world.

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